Donations of items The Sanctuary receives no government funding; we rely entirely on the generosity of our supporters and the hard work of our fundraising team to carry on our work. Giving us money isn't the only way you can help us - there are all sorts of goodies you can donate that will also make a difference: For the animals Cat food sachets or tins (any brand) Kitten food sachets, particularly through the summer months (any brand but fish and chicken flavours are best for delicate tummies) Gourmet Gold pate (for our elderly cats) Burgess rabbit and guinea pig food - these nuggets ensure the rabbits and guinea pigs eat a balanced diet and don't just pick out the bits they like Timothy rabbit and guinea pig Rat nuggets Bales of hay, straw or shavings Spillers "Happy Hoof " horse feed Vegetables (in good condition please) for our pigs and other small animals Towels and small pet blankets and beds Newspapers. Donations can be brought to the Sanctuary or dropped off at one of our food collection bins in Sainsbury's (Wilmslow or Cheadle), Tesco (Handforth Dean) or Pets at Home (Baguley). PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept used duvets or pillows as we cannot make use of them. For fundraising Items for tombola prizes (bottles of alcohol, toiletries, chocolates etc. and any unwanted gifts) Items for sale on eBay or at our Barn Sale and jumble sales (clothing, shoes and accessories, bric a brac etc.) Please bring these donations to the Sanctuary. If you have something unique you would like to donate, either for us to use or for sale to raise funds, and you are wondering if it is suitable please contact us via email at [email protected] We would love to hear from you. Manage Cookie Preferences